Since we are 100% free for participants and our organization is 100% run by volunteers, monetary support and in-kind donations are crucial for us:
What Makes You Smile?
Did you know you can #GiveGGFI by choosing our organization as your Amazon Smile Charity for all your online shopping? Just go to, log in, and search for Girls Go For It in Urbana to select us as your charity.
Afterwards, anytime you make a purchase on a portion of your purchase comes straight to us, at no cost to you!
We're smiling because of your support through
Get Involved
Bring Girls Go For It to Your School
If you'd like to expand GGFI in your community, please email us:
Volunteer With Us
We are always looking for great men and women to volunteer with us. Most of our committees allow flexibility within your work and personal schedule.
Currently we are looking for:
School Coaches
Marketing Team Members (ongoing commitment, approximately 5 - 10 hours per month)
Fundraising/Events Team Members (ongoing commitment, approximately 5 - 10 hours per month)
School Operations Team Members
(summer and fall commitment, approximately 5 - 10 hours per month)
If you're interested in joining our team, please send your position interests to
Be a part of the curriculum: Sit on a panel
We are always looking for women to join us for just one hour each semester to share their career and educational experiences with GGFI participants. Does this sound like you? Please reach out, and we will get you scheduled for one of our panels.